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FORA Comfort fit W320 | Weight Scale, Red

FORA Comfort fit W320 | Weight Scale, Red


Premium Electronic Weight Scale


A Premium Electronic Weight Scale design employing the key features of a super light and slim design on a square platform and uses extremely durable tempered glass.

Has a very simple and quick means of switching the weighing units between kilograms and pounds, and includes auto-zero - meaning it requires no calibration on your part - and auto-off functions. Has a built in low battery indicator.

Has a maximum capacity of 150kg or 330lb, an effective range of 3kg-150kg or 6.6lb-330.6lb, to an accuracy of: 50KG 0.3Kg / 100KG 0.5kg / 150KG 0.7kg

Very simple to use and easy to read!


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