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Meet Derick Truter – a Mr South Africa 2017 contestant

“There are so many people who are still misdiagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and many more still undiagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I believe with the support from Mr South Africa, and the Mr South Africa brand, we can create more awareness, reduce discrimination and increase support.”

Derick, thank you for making time to talk with us! So many exiting things are happening in your life at the moment and we are curious to know more. Congratulations for making it into the top 30 for Mr South Africa!

When were you diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes?
I was diagnosed in October 2010 (It was in the October School holiday)

How did your diagnosis affect your life?
At 1st it was a very huge shock to me, I was a Grade 8 student, and was on school holiday visiting my grandparents. Spending my October school holiday in hospital was definitely not my way of having fun! But with the support of my friends and family, I am now fully in charge of my life again.

With reference with diabetes, what are your biggest challenges and how do you overcome them?
My biggest challenge, is diabetes itself. Diabetes has the tendency to kick you, when you least expect it! I focus on healthy eating, and regularly checking of my blood glucose, before meals and exercise. I believe in checking my glucose levels regularly.

Congratulations for making it onto the top 30 for Mr South Africa! Please tell us more about the reason why you are competing?
Thank you, it is much appreciated. Mr South Africa, Oh, what I great journey this is! Besides the fact that I want to help people, and help make a difference in our country, I actually want to be a voice for those without a voice.

My Top 3 concerns that I want to focus on are:
1. Diabetes (There is not enough awareness, and most people misunderstand this disease, and I believe there is a need for much more support and understanding)
2. I am 100% against ABUSE! (Woman, Children, Animals, Men – We are all God’s creation, and we need to respect it!)
3. Cancer Awareness (CHOC & CANSA)

I have had a couple of big events over the past few months, and awareness campaigns! It is heartwarming to see how we can all make a difference.

How will your participation in the Mr South Africa contest improve awareness of these issues?
The media, can be a powerful tool, if used correctly! I want to get as much possible health insurance companies, hospitals and doctors involved in awareness campaigns. There are so many people who are still misdiagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and many more still undiagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

I believe with the support from Mr South Africa, and the Mr South Africa brand, we can create more awareness, reduce discrimination and increase support.

People often connect an emotional response to a glucose reading – what advice would you give them?
My heart and my mind fully understand every emotion that a person with diabetes has to deal with; sometimes a BG result can make or break a day…

My best advice is that you should test your glucose levels regularly, because that is the most accurate way to control your sugar and diabetes.

Take care of yourself, and never allow diabetes to get you down, you are stronger!

What do you like most of the Diamond MINI?
I found it awesome, that I can use it with my Phone. FORA definitely made an impression with their latest technology.

I am a very active on-the-go person, and I love the Bluetooth function, as well as the very clear LCD display.  

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